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STEM TV is a morning news show that hosts daily segments all year long. The club started production in 2011, growing each year and adding on numerous events. Members can anchor and host in front of the camera, either for the regular morning news, or a segment of their own making. For those who prefer not to be on camera, positions such as sound and transitions are available.


STEM TV is a welcoming community of students; whether you would like to be on or behind the camera. Events such as East and West football, Powderpuff, and Open-Mic Night are all staple livestreams for STEM TV members. STEM TV is not a C-Day club day, meaning there are no mandatory C-Day meetings. 


Interested in joining STEM TV? Simply come by our studio, which is room A001 and A002. This is in the back of Mrs. Tomlinson's room (A003), across from the locker rooms.

STEM TV Leadership Team

Current STEM TV 2022-2023 Leaders

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